What To Do About Frequent Ear Infections

What To Do About Frequent Ear Infections

Find out how to treat chronic ear infections.

An ear infection occurs when there is inflammation, fluid or an infection behind the eardrum. Fortunately, most ear infections resolve on their own; however, when your ear infections don’t go away, or they keep returning, you should turn to our Springfield and Northampton, MA, otolaryngologists.

How Do I Know if I Am Dealing With Chronic Ear Infections?

Your ear infection is considered chronic if your symptoms persist for three months or more. If you have a chronic ear infection, you may notice that your symptoms aren’t as severe as an acute ear infection. You may experience mild pressure or discomfort in the tear. You may also experience muffled hearing or a loss of hearing. With chronic ear infections, symptoms may come and go. You can also develop a chronic ear infection in both ears.

What Causes Frequent Ear Infections?

Your chronic ear infection may be caused by an acute ear infection that won’t go away on its own or recurring ear infections. The best way to determine the cause of your ear infections is to turn to our team for an evaluation. While ear infections are more common in young children, this doesn’t mean you can’t still deal with ear infections as an adult.

When Should I Turn to an ENT Doctor?

If you are dealing with an ear infection that doesn’t go away or comes back, you should turn to our Springfield and Northampton, MA, ENT doctors for treatment. After all, chronic ear infections can permanently damage the ear if left untreated.

How Are Chronic Ear Infections Treated?

We will first need to determine what is causing your infection. It’s common to prescribe antibiotics to treat chronic ear infections. Ear drops may also be prescribed if you have a hole in the eardrum. Sometimes surgery is necessary to clean out the infection or repair the small bones of the ear or eardrum.

Are you living with frequent ear infections? If so, our Springfield, Northampton or Mary Lane Hospital, MA, otolaryngologists are here to help. Call Ear Nose & Throat, Surgeons of Western New England at (413) 732-7426, (413) 586-2033 or (413) 967-2249.